"Denial of confession" by Ilya Repin
The man was brought to execution. After several months of imprisonment, he was pale. Around the roaring crowd. - Villain, crazy! In the king himself shot! - God saved his…

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"Horsewoman" by Karl Brullov
Russian painter Karl Bryullov painted a portrait in real size, depicting a girl on a horse and a girl who looks at her. As far as we remember, we still…

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Giacomo Manzu - Coast of Truth
Creativity Mantsu is a surprisingly natural synthesis of truth, clarity of artistic ideas and originality of the visual image. His method is truly realistic, but this is realism, say, not…


Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
For a proper understanding of the pre-Raphaelite movement, it is necessary to identify the difference between its individual stages, which stretched over several decades. It should be noted that many…

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Antique Cologne
Cologne ... Many have heard about this German city on the Rhine, a major center of medieval European culture. The well-known Cologne Cathedral is an unsurpassed monument of Gothic architecture.…


beautiful and majestic

“Portrait of D. A. Furmanov” by Sergey Malyutin

Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin – the oldest in age and creative experience of all Russian masters who came to the Soviet art. With the victory of the October Revolution, which the artist enthusiastically met, new heroes are included in his thematic repertoire.

“Portrait of D. A. Furmanov” is not only one of Malyutin’s most significant works, but also an important milestone in the history of Soviet painting. It was in this work, for the first time, with great depth and artistic expressiveness that the typical appearance and character of the person who made the socialist revolution and was formed by it was embodied. Continue reading

Panorama Petersburg “Alexei Zubov

There are works of art that vividly and fully express the social content of the historical period in the life of the country. They are rare, but precisely because they rise in a series of phenomena of artistic culture. One of them is the engraving “Panorama of Petersburg” (1716) by Alexei Fedorovich Zubov, expressing the spirit of Peter’s transformations.

This master is rightly considered to be the first daily recorder of St. Petersburg. His engravings depicting the new capital are numerous and varied. Suffice it to recall the sheet “Vasilyevsky Island”. Continue reading

“Red came” by Yevsey Moiseenko

“Our roots are in childhood memories, in the family, its moral soil, foundations, relations with the outside world …”, says Moiseenko. “… From the first impressions of life comes the feeling of the Motherland: what sky was above you, what rains washed, on what earth you set foot from the threshold of your home …”.

The events that determined the path of the artist were exciting changes, difficult struggle, renewed life, the romance of the feat, born of Great October. Continue reading

Kanoplasta from Tanagra
The Greek words "tanagra", "tanagryanka" about a hundred years ago entered the Russian language. They are now used to denote everything fragile, feminine and plastic. The artist V. Serov invented…


Artwork India
The creation of artistically designed household items is one of the oldest art forms in India. Its impact is mighty, because it brings a person a great aesthetic joy, it…


Eugene Delacroix - Goethe's Faust lithographs
In the 1820s, the artist Eugene Delacroix was in the prime of his creative power. He is 30 years old, he is a recognized master, who created the paintings that…
