Diego Rivera - the great Mexican painter
When the Great October Socialist Revolution took place in Russia, a revolutionary struggle was going on in Mexico for seven years. Armed peasants opposed the dictatorship of the rich and…

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Anton Refrigier - born in Moscow
Refrege was born in Moscow in the year of the first Russian revolution. This fact would seem irrelevant to the biography of an American artist: after all, his father took…

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“Portrait of D. A. Furmanov” by Sergey Malyutin
Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin - the oldest in age and creative experience of all Russian masters who came to the Soviet art. With the victory of the October Revolution, which the…


Barbizon School of Painting
Barbizon School of Painting Far from the noise of the capital, the French painters of the last century have chosen the area around the royal residence of Fontainebleau, which since…

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"Red came" by Yevsey Moiseenko
“Our roots are in childhood memories, in the family, its moral soil, foundations, relations with the outside world ...”, says Moiseenko. "... From the first impressions of life comes the…


newspapers and mentally

Giacomo Manzu – Coast of Truth

Creativity Mantsu is a surprisingly natural synthesis of truth, clarity of artistic ideas and originality of the visual image. His method is truly realistic, but this is realism, say, not of the 19th century, but of this century, including philosophical generalization and everyday narration, the elusively tender poetry of feelings and the visible objectivity of forms.

It is significant that everyone studying the art of Manzu sees in it and singles out for himself something special, the most exciting. In his work there are so many different facets that it equally strongly attracts even artists of opposite directions. Continue reading

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
For a proper understanding of the pre-Raphaelite movement, it is necessary to identify the difference between its individual stages, which stretched over several decades. It should be noted that many…


"The Adoration of the Magi" by Sandro Botticelli and Leonardo Da Vinci
In March 1481, the monks of the Florentine monastery of San Donato and Scopetto turned to the notary Pietro of Vinci with a request to find an artist who could…


"The Battle of San Romano" by Paolo Uccello
In the famous museums of Europe - the Louvre. Uffizi, the London National Gallery - stored three paintings by Florentine artist Paolo di Dono, nicknamed Uccello. Created in 1456-1457, they…
